We often surprise people when we tell them they can significantly increase their nighttime visibility without clumsy vests and high-viz colors. If you choose a funflector® safety reflector, you can wear stylish designs ranging in colors from from subtle to bold and still increase visibility up to 500 feet. After hearing several independent stories from people whose friends have been hit by cars in Chicago at night, we decided to add the Chicago flag motif to our collection of funflector® slap wraps, our super reflective slap bracelets that can be worn on ankles and wrists by walkers, runners and bicyclists.
We are excited to announce a funflector® wrap with the popular Chicago flag design! It will be available in the webstore on May 9th.

We can’t imagine any Chicago visitors going back home without having noticed the symbolic two blue stripes and four red stars waiving on flagpoles on every block in the windy city. The top blue stripe symbolizes Lake Michigan and the North Branch of the Chicago River, the bottom the South Branch and the Canal while the three resulting white stripes represent the North, West, and South Sides of the city. The four six-pointed bright red stars represent major historical events: Fort Dearborn, the Great Chicago Fire (1871), the World’s Columbian Exposition (1893) and the Century of Progress Exposition (1933–34).
Before we let you go, run or bike, just a little safety tip: The reflective slap bracelets are most effective to wear around your ankles. That’s where they give the best surround visibility. Imagine if you pick up your phone to send a message och change your music. If you use both hands and have the reflectors around your wrists, drivers won’t see you from behind. Also, the care headlights are the strongest close to the ground, so it is always a good idea to wear safety reflectors low down. So slap them around your ankels for instant safety!
The funflector team