The evenings are getting darker, the leaves are turning to beautiful shades of red, yellow and orange and Halloween is just around the corner. Time to plan costumes and decoration, but also to prep your teens and kids for a safe and fun night. Drivers not seeing trick-or-treaters is the number one Halloween safety concern that should be on every adult’s mind this week. It is not too late to order funflector reflectors to help keep them seen and safe. We have a wide range of reflectors, including some ultra-bright Halloween reflectors that are fun and stylish. From bright orange jack-o-lantern to a more discreet black cat, there is something for everyone. To make sure you get them in time for Halloween, order them by Monday, November 25 at noon CST.

4 Steps to Halloween Safety
Sadly, twice as many kids get killed on US roads on Halloween compared to any other night of the year. Here are 4 easy steps you can take to significantly lower the risks. Read our Halloween post from a previous year if you want to dig deeper.
1. Use reflectors. At least two (front and back or left and right). There can never be too many!
2. Follow Traffic Rules. You should know them, if not: study!
3. Talk Traffic Safety with Your Kids – start BEFORE Halloween, or even better, discuss traffic safety with your kids year-around.
4. Remind Drivers of all ages about the importance of putting away distractions while driving and keeping to the speed limit.
It is going to be a joy to do some Trick-or-Treating again this year and see children out and about – most people would have given it a miss last year due to the pandemic. But while we can feel safer with regards to Covid this year, we mustn’t forget the danger of not being seen in traffic in the dark. Flash lights are good for seeing where you put your feet, but does not give as good surround visibility as a couple of reflectors. Good quality safety reflectors are a very effective solution and more stylish and fun than reflective tape.
The scary part of Halloween should not take place in the emergency room so it’s better to be seen than sorry!