As so many around the world, we have been horrified seeing the Russian attack on Ukraine unfolding in the news and on social media. Authoritarianism attacking democracy – again. One crazy man destroying the lives of so many children, women and men. Again. We are pleased to see governments stepping up sending defense equipment and humanitarian help to Ukraine. Nevertheless, we wish we could figure out how to help Ukraine end the madness immediately.
In the meantime, Ukrainians need all help they can get. If you are able, please donate to humanitarian organizations like the Red Cross, Care or Save the Children. Many news organizations has published longer lists with reputable organizations, for example this one from NPR.

We’ve put together a 4-pack of blue and yellow heart safety reflectors, the Ukrainian flag colors, where we will donate $8 to the Red Cross for each sold pack. Hang them on jacket zipper pulls and bags, backpacks, strollers etc to show your support for the people in Ukraine. On top of that, we’ll donate 10% of sales of our other products to the Red Cross when you use promo code “NO-WAR“. Please note that this fundraiser has been closed. Thank you to everyone who contributed!!!
Independent Press
Independent press is crucial for people around the world to understand what is actually going on. Especially with misinformation campaigns on social media, quality investigative journalism is more needed than ever. Therefore, The Kyiv Independent, is now making the chilling podcast Gaslit Nation company among our Patreon subscriptions. We highly recommend both of them if you want to learn more about Ukraine.
The funflector team