I Love You, Imagine Peace

Tomorrow, October 9th, the amazing Imagine Peace Tower will be beaming again to celebrate John Lennon’s birthday. It’s light beam reaches far up in the sky and is powerful enough to penetrate the lowest clouds. The interaction with the clouds make it an ever changing piece of art and reminder that peace is never static.

The memorial to John Lennon from his widow, Yoko Ono, was inaugurated on this day in 2007. It is built on the tiny island of Viðey just outside Reykjavík, the capital of Iceland. It is said that the location was chosen for it’s beauty and access to clean power, produced with geothermal heat. The 15 powerful searchlights are boosted by prisms that act as mirrors, extending the light beam well beyond 10,000 feet on clear nights.

Love & Peace - heart and peace sign safety reflector, turquoise
Turquoise heart and peace sign safety reflector.

Few of us will have the opportunity to go there on Saturday, but we can watch it live at 7/8/9 pm in Western Europe and  1/2/3/4 pm in America and make our wish on twitter: @IPTower I wish…

At funflector.com, we also have our own way of saying “I love You, Imagine Peace” and a different way of beaming light – with  a funflector® safety reflector of course! We are so excited that our first batch of “Love & Peace” reflectors has arrived. The first order go to an alert California customer, who ordered via our web shop. The second order goes to Whatsit & Dohickey Co. It is a fun toy and game store in Libertyville, IL, full of brain teasers, board games and other neat stuff.

Love & Peace, as Beth would say.


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