Only 50%… Only?

Why do people often think that reflectors are only for kids? Adults walking or biking in the dark are also very difficult to see for drivers. Adults are out after dark more often than kids. Adults, who have had a couple of beers can be unpredictable pedestrians. So what are the good excuses for adults not to wear reflectors? In Sweden, traffic safety is a big thing—that’s where Volvo comes from after all—and the attitude is sooooo different from what we encounter in the US. At the glimling office, we love to discuss cultural differences and here is such a beautiful example on the Swedish view of pedestrian safety.

Half full or half empty?
Half full or half empty?

We found an article by the Swedish insurance company  Trygg Hansa, stating: “Only half of adult Swedes wear reflectors”—wow, how impressive! With American eyes, the glass is half full, but the choice of the word “only” shows that the Swedish insurance company Trygg-Hansa, who conducted the survey, thinks the glass is half empty. Wow—half the adults and 90% of kids up to the age of 12 wear reflectors.  WOW!—and they label it “only.” As we have written earlier, about 30% of Finns wear reflectors and even that greatly reduces the number of accidents. How many Americans? Not even 1%…
The funflector team

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