Christmas 1914

Walter Bärthel, World War One soldier, 1914
Walter Bärthel, 1914

One hundred years ago, my grandfather Walter Bärthel was on the western front, fighting for his homeland, Germany. During his time both in the trenches and behind the front lines, he kept writing and drawing in his diary.  He was only 17 years old, just a boy and had not yet completed high school, when he was caught up in the euphoria and propaganda, and joined the army. Those four diaries are an amazing story about his experiences and thoughts from the front and later from his hospital bed. On December 19th, 2014, Walter sketched the landscape near Arras in France covered in barbed wire.
Arras, France, December 19th, 2014 by my grandfather Walter Bärthel.
Arras, France, December 19th, 2014 by my grandfather Walter Bärthel.

There has been a lot of talk in the media lately about the Christmas truce of 1914, when soldiers on both sides sang Christmas songs together and maybe played soccer. On December 24th, 2014, my grandfather wrote the following:

Donnerstag, 24. Dez.
Heiliger Abend! Abends und nachts sangen Leute von uns auf Horchposten (Weihnachtslieder), daß es die Franzosen hörten! Nach einiger Zeit sang ein Franzose. Während jedes Gesanges war alles still. Danach fingen die Horchposten wieder zu schießen an. – Ich hatte einen kleinen Weihnachtsbaum in meiner Höhle, mit Lichtern, Nüssen, den die Eltern geschickt hatten. Auch mein Kamerad besaß einen solchen. – Wie werden die Eltern zu Hause das Weihnachtsfest feiern?”
Thursday, Dec. 24th
Holy Night! Evening and night, our people on “listening post” sang Christmas carols, so the French could hear it! After a while, a Frenchman sang too. During each song everything was quiet. Afterwards, the “listening post” went back to shooting. I had a small Christmas tree in my dugout, with lights and nuts, which my parents had sent me. My friend also had one like it. – How will the parents celebrate Christmas back home? Translation by Personal Past.
Walter’s story is one of four in the German-French graphic novel “Tagebuch 14-18 – Vier Geschichten aus Deutschland und Frankreich” / “Carnets 14-18 – Quatre histoires de France et d’Allemagne” (“Diary 14-18 – Four stories from Germany and France“)
American folk singer John McCutcheon captured a similar story in “Christmas in the Trenches“.

Always remember!

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Beethoven was Right About Walking!

For a long time, we’ve been fascinated with creativity. What is it? How can we get better at “being creative”? How do we encourage and inspire others to explore their creativity – employees, kids and others? Is creativity something you are born with or can you learn it?

The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp
The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone from one small family business!
We will take time off to hang out with family and friends, contemplating our blessings – of which YOU are part! – and enjoy life. We hope you get a chance to do the same and that you can schedule your weekend around people you love instead of around door-busters. To help, the funflector sale is going on for Thanksgiving+Black Friday+Small-Business-Saturday+Cyber Monday so YOU can CHOOSE when to get your great deals on reflectors! Get the details in our webshop>

Thank you for a fabulous year from a small family business!
Thank you for a fabulous year from a small family business!

Eat well and be seen!
The funflector team via Elisabeth 🙂

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The Vision Zero+ Initiative

The Vision Zero Initiative is not about nothing. On we can learn that it is in fact a fundamental principle that requires ambitious work on infrastructure and attitudes:

“The Vision Zero is the Swedish approach to road safety thinking. It can be summarised in one sentence: No loss of life is acceptable. The Vision Zero approach has proven highly successful. It is based on the simple fact that we are human and make mistakes. The road system needs to keep us moving. But it must also be designed to protect us at every turn.”

Vision Zero Initiative
Vision Zero was initiated by a decision of the Swedish parliament in 1997 and I saw firsthand how road safety improved in Sweden until I moved to the US ten years later. It was a bit of a shock to come here and experience the car-centric culture reflected in both citizen behavior/attitudes and infrastructure decisions. I’m happy to see that the Vision Zero has attracted a lot of attention and several American cities are adopting it to improve safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and drivers. Just a week ago, the first-ever Vision Zero for Cities Symposium (VZCS) took place in New York City – yay! There are a lot of needed improvements in infrastructure, but also in shifting attitudes among the general public. …

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Let’s Do the Numbers

How much do reflectors, like the funflector® ones, actually help? The sad truth is that there are no solid numbers available. As far as we know, no one is collecting data on whether or not pedestrians who were hit by cars in the dark, had reflectors or not. However, reflectors have been promoted in Sweden since the 70’s. Insurance companies have given away hundreds of thousands of them over the years, so one has to assume that they do some good and that the repeated giveaways are based on rational business decisions to improve their bottom line. What we have though, are some numbers that we can compare between Sweden and the US, one country where 30-50% of adults wear reflectors and one where very few do. In each country, infrastructure and culture is the same day and night. Sweden has better street lights, but they are rarely enough to make a significant difference to seeing pedestrians several hundred feet away.
tally marks by funflector
So, here are the numbers (pretty rough, but give the order of magnitude):  …

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Stocking Stuffers for Physicists

This is a tricky one: Stocking stuffers for physicists and science buffs, especially those geared towards cosmology and subatomic (particle) physics. What do you do when your geek friends don’t want any more science kits and own all the cool/fun/silly T-shirts, tea mugs and mousepads from red bubblecafepress or sazzle?

Particle Zoo funflector safety reflectors are ideal stocking stuffers for physicists, astronomers and cosmologists.
Particle Zoo funflector safety reflectors are ideal stocking stuffers for physicists, astronomers and cosmologists.

Particle Zoo Stocking Stuffers for Physicists

Fortunately, graphic designer Julie Peasley combined her interest for cosmology, the quantum world and theoretical physics with her design talent and created the line of Particle Zoo plushies. The felt creatures reflect the personalities of the various particles in a fun and educational way and are as much fun on the distinguished professor’s desk as in the class room. The Particle Zoo line has since expanded to magnets (who would not want to play with Feynman diagrams on their fridge door???), pencil pouches, buttons, greeting cards and reflectors! The reflectors, you can of course buy in the funflector webshop. They are perfect gifts and stocking stuffers for hard working students, grad students, engineers, teachers and professors who get home from work after sunset. For everything else, go to the Particle Zoo website.  Just don’t forget to say hi from the funflector team!

Pencil or makeup pouches from ParticleZoo, $15.
Pencil or makeup pouches from ParticleZoo, $15.

Relativity Watch

Although a bit over budget, we could not resist this cool Einstein Relativity Watch for $43 at 3B Scientific! What do you think, will those who use it be on time or not? And if so, where?

Tired of your friends being late? Give them an Einstein relativity watch and they might be on time - or not?
Tired of your friends being late? Give them an Einstein relativity watch and they might be on time – or not!

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Halloween Safety Reminder

Happy Halloween from the funflector team
Happy Halloween from the funflector team

Even if you don’t have kids going trick-or-treating, remember to drive carefully if you are out on the roads tonight and please remind others to do the same!

End of Daylight Savings Time Means More Dark Hours in the Afternoon

Daylight saving time ends on the night between Saturday and Sunday this weekend and we get an extra hour to sleep – or party! Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour! Going back to “normal time” also means another hour of darkness in the late afternoon. Be careful and wear your reflectors when you are out and about! Check out this blog post by TinLizzieRidesAgain for more ideas about reflective fashion!

Take a quick deep breath and start your Holiday Shopping!

As soon as Halloween is over, the Holiday shopping season will sneak up on us. Without even having time to catch our breath, our first Holiday show is already tomorrow (Nov 1st)  in Gurnee, IL. Admittedly a bit early, but it’s a great craft show with lots of unique handcrafted items. If you are in the area, come and find gifts for your friends and family and support the Warren Township High School Band Booster at their 20th Annual Craft Fair!  Location: 34090 Almond Rd. Gurnee, Hours: 9AM to 3PM.

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Wicked Witch Hat Halloween Safety

20 days until Halloween! It’s time to order reflectors for everyone whose safety you care about. Choose anything from a wicked witch hat or a scary skull and crossbones to a handsome ghost.

Halloween safety poem - funflector - fun Halloween safety reflectors
A black cat or wicked witch hat, a skull, a ghost or a flying bat?


To be scared is fun when it’s just for a night,
but returning to life is for the bright.
Be bright enough for drivers to see
what along the road could be
a goblin, a witch or ghost on the run
out Trick-or-Treating just for fun.
Your alter ego is easy to protect
with a few fun things that reflect.
The choices are many, the price is low
no reason funflectors to forgo.
A black cat or wicked witch hat,
a skull, a ghost or a flying bat?
Pick one, pick two or even three,
a cool reflector for safety is key!
Reflect yourself and your style,
wake up next day with a smile!

The funflector team

Driving in the dark

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Halloween Preparation

Powerful Halloween reflectors that are more fun than reflective tape. A bat and a hat have been added to the Halloween collection this year.
Powerful Halloween reflectors that are more fun than reflective tape. A bat and a hat have been added to the Halloween collection this year.

October is here with excitement, anticipation and preparations for Halloween. Haunted houses, parties and trick-or-treating are supposed to be scary, but only on an imaginary level. Scary for real, like being hit by a car, should be avoided at all cost. Look at the curve below. With a few precautionary steps and some good reflectors, we could make a joint effort to push that Halloween spike of child fatalities down! Want to join? 

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From Summer to Fall

September has swished by with vendor shows, equinox, some days of cool weather and now, what a Swede would call, summer weather. However, the warm Chicago days are numbered and October is already knocking on our door. After a very busy week with our first in-house pedestrian reflector manufacturing, YAY!!!!! (proudly Made in USA), and Evanston Green festival, Sunday was a day for enjoying the outdoors. We had fun picking out fall pumpkins and taking a leisurely  stroll through the Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve.

Summer and fall at the same time in Lake County, IL. Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve and a black swan gourd.
Summer and fall at the same time in Lake County, IL. Rollins Savanna Forest Preserve and a black swan gourd.

Our combined booth for funflector and Norwex at the Evanston Green Festival, September 2014
Our combined booth for funflector and Norwex at the Evanston Green Festival, September 2014

Let’s go back for a moment to equinox, which occurred a week ago, when day and night were equally long. From then and until March 20th, there will be more dark than light hours each day. In Chicago and New York, we are right now losing 17 minutes of daylight a week, in Miami 9 and in Seattle 23. You can look up your city at  (Put in your city in the upper left, under the headline “Sun”).
Soon, if not already, you might go to or from work, run your errands, walk your dog or get kids to and from activities during the twilight or dark time of the day. If you drive, you know how hard it is to see pedestrians in the dark and it is not surprising that 70% of pedestrian accidents happens while the sun is gone. Luckily, it is cheap, fun and easy to make yourself visible with our funflector® safety reflectors. Goto our webshop and pick out some for yourself and your loved ones. We offer free shipping for orders over $9 to the US and Canada!
We are looking forward to October and are dreaming of apple pies, cosy sweaters, big mugs of hot tea, rosy cheeks, frosty red leaves and of course the crown jewel of the month: a spooky and scary but safe Halloween!
“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

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