Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle is a mantra that is often heard around Earth Day. I knew I had a box with outgrown and worn out jeans to tap into, which could be REUSED for some fun craft projects.

Some of these jeans were too cute to throw away when the knees wore out. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle into useful items...
Some of these jeans were too cute to throw away when the knees wore out.

So, what can you do with your kids’ outgrown pants?

With a pant leg (the part below the hole on the knee) you can make a wheat heating bag! It is a bag, filled with wheat kernels that can be heated and tucked under the cover prior to bed time. We heat ours in the microwave, but don’t forget to dab on water first (they can burn if they get too dry). We used two legs, one for the bag, which was sewn together on both top and bottom and one to make a cover that is easy to take off and wash. For the cover, we used the original hem, which made it a very quick project.

Old jeans leg filled with wheat kernels, keeps the kid's toes warm in bed.
Old jeans leg filled with wheat kernels, keeps the kid’s toes warm in bed.

I also happened to have some adult pants, which were only torn around the back pocket, but otherwise in very good shape. I cut them open along the inseam, cut them straight and alternated the wedge shaped pieces. Kid’s pants would work well too, but you would end up with more seams for the same size project.

Three pant legs sewn together can be used for bed spreads, cushions or pillows.
Three pant legs sewn together can be used for bed spreads, cushions or pillows.

Our Swedish kitchen bench needed a new cover, so I kept adding until the piece was long enough. I evened out the edges, hemmed it and wrapped it around the cushion. I’ve used denim before, but in one piece from the store. The original side seams give it a more relaxed look.

Five adult pant legs covering my kitchen bench.
Five adult pant legs covering my Swedish kitchen bench.

From some scraps and an old sweater, I started a pillow project. I’ll finish any day… For my next project I want to be more creative and use the pants with cool or cute designs. What do you think of a pillow with a pocket or two?

Happy Earth Day!


p.s. Check out some of our other Green Lifestyle blog posts!

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