5 Action Tips For World Cancer Day In a Pandemic
With Covid-19 being front and center on everyone’s mind for almost a year, World Cancer Day on February 4th is reminding us that there are also other risks out there to watch out for – even in our homes!
According to WHO, cancer is the second leading cause of death globally (2018). The good news however, is that the survival rate is improving and that there are preventive measure we can take. There are some things we can do for our society as a whole and some we can do for ourselves and our immediate family.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed but here are a five easy actions you can take and doing something is better than nothing!
1. Advocacy and Policy
Clean air and clean water as a human right should not be controversial. The NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and the Sierra Club are two organizations which do some heavy lifting when it comes to advocacy for the environment and holding polluters and others accountable. The Sierra Club also actively supports political candidates that meet their tough requirements for endorsement. Through our “Water is Life” safety reflectors we have supported the NRDC and the Sierra Club for the last 4 years and we have no plans of stopping. Supporting environmental organizations and advocacy groups with donations and/or your time is a great way to help your whole community stay healthier.

2. Take a Walk
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