Halloween Safety Tips from Good Morning America
On today’s Good Morning America, Elisabeth Leamy says being visible in traffic during trick-or-treating is the number one safety concern.
Check out the story about how last year’s Halloween did not end as planned for Hailey and Melissa. Please stay till the end to see the safety demo! Cars, Not Candy, Can Pose the Greatest Danger to Your Kids This Halloween
The girl’s story was also featured on king5.com in December last year. They visit schools to talk about their accident and what the kids can do to avoid it happen to them. Their “STAY ALERT & STAY SAFE” campaign can be found at www.stayalertstaysafe.com.

If you suddenly feel the urge to have more reflectors on hand for your kids this Halloween, you can still order funflector® safety reflectors in our web shop, but please don’t wait much longer. Our FREE SHIPPING includes standard mail via USPS. Please contact us if you need express shipping.
Halloween costumes rarely have zipper pulls to attach reflectors to, so later this week, we’ll offer some ideas of what to do instead.
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