Slap, Snap, Wrap!

The funflector® reflective slap wraps are here!!! We have heard the slapping and snapping this fall and thought it would be nice to build in some traffic safety in the popular slap bracelets! They are long enough (13 1/2″) to go around the sleeve of an adult winter coat or around pant legs while biking.

Reflective slap wrap by funflector

The kids at Indian Hill Elementary in Round Lakes Heights (IL) were certainly excited about the reflective slap wrap on Friday night when we were there for a fundraiser. We had a great time talking traffic safety with parents and letting the kids try our special light that simulates what the driver sees in the dark. There were many oh’s and wow’s! The reflective slap wraps are available in our web shop. Here are some pics to enjoy!

See more blog posts on slap wraps here>


Reflective slap bracelets by funflector
Reflective slap wrap by funflector

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