Safety Reflector

Why Are Reflectors so Scandinavian?

As many Swedish Americans, we are super busy celebrating our holidays, Midsummer last weekend and Independence Day this weekend. A belated “Glad Midsommar” and Happy 4th! It can’t be stressed enough: the DAYS ARE GETTING SHORTER AGAIN! Inspired by all the good Scandinavian safety reflectors have done for decades, we’ll keep reminding you.

Scandinavian safety reflectors by funflector
Funflector safety reflectors

Are you heading for festivals, amusement parks, evening concerts in the park, block parties, beach parties…? Temporary parking lots are often dark and not so well organized. A safety reflector or two will make you much more visible! Order yours from our web shop, as always with free shipping!
Why are pedestrian safety reflectors so Scandinavian? This is a question I recently got from a fellow blogger, the Swedish American Mamma. Just don’t think he answer is as easy as “it is darker over there in the winter”. (After all, if you leave your office at 5 or 5.30, it doesn’t matter if the sun sets at 3.30 or at 5 pm. Even in America, it is dark after the sun sets…)
Please head over to the Swedish American Mamma (or the repost  on our blog) and read more about why Swedes are so excited about their cool, fun, colorful Scandinavian safety reflectors!

Why Are Reflectors so Scandinavian? Read More »

Only 50%… Only?

Why do people often think that reflectors are only for kids? Adults walking or biking in the dark are also very difficult to see for drivers. Adults are out after dark more often than kids. Adults, who have had a couple of beers can be unpredictable pedestrians. So what are the good excuses for adults not to wear reflectors? In Sweden, traffic safety is a big thing—that’s where Volvo comes from after all—and the attitude is sooooo different from what we encounter in the US. At the glimling office, we love to discuss cultural differences and here is such a beautiful example on the Swedish view of pedestrian safety.

Half full or half empty?
Half full or half empty?

We found an article by the Swedish insurance company  Trygg Hansa, stating: “Only half of adult Swedes wear reflectors”—wow, how impressive! With American eyes, the glass is half full, but the choice of the word “only” shows that the Swedish insurance company Trygg-Hansa, who conducted the survey, thinks the glass is half empty. Wow—half the adults and 90% of kids up to the age of 12 wear reflectors.  WOW!—and they label it “only.” As we have written earlier, about 30% of Finns wear reflectors and even that greatly reduces the number of accidents. How many Americans? Not even 1%…
The funflector team

Only 50%… Only? Read More »

Reflectors Save Lives, Even in Florida

The other day, someone living in Florida tried to convince me that we would be better off focusing our reflector sales in the northern states and in Canada. Well, looking at when the sun sets tells us that our reflectors can save lives and reduce pedestrian accidents also in the southern states!
So, how do the dark hours in the northern US states and Canada compared to the south? Well, in the summer, the sun sets earlier in the south. In hot climates, it is also often more pleasant to be outside after the blasting sun has set. We made a map to display sunset for a few North American cities on the longest day of the year. Dusk sets in 15-30 minutes before that.

North America sunset June 21 2011, longest day, shortest night
Sunset (pm) for some North American cities on the longest day of the year. In most places, the sun sets between 8 and 9 pm and dusk begins 15-30 minutes before.

So, what can we conclude from this?

  1. In most places, if you are outside after 7:30 pm (dusk included!), you are safer with a few safety reflectors!!!
  2. This is midsummer. Now and a couple of weeks into July, you need ta make yourself visible even earlier.
  3. We won’t insist on reflectors in Anchorage this time of year – but we will when fall and winter comes around…

This CBS news clip (2018 update: clip not available) from earlier this year shows a frightening accident where a police car hit a pedestrian walking her bike in the dark—in Florida. Imagine how much different this woman’s life would have been, had she worn a couple of reflectors, and had a bike light. Even if the car hadn’t managed to come to a complete stop, slowing down makes pedestrian injuries less life threatening.

Contrary to that, one of our Florida customers is well prepared to be out and about any time. Tee ordered funflector® tags from our webshop and sent us this kind note after receiving them : “Elisabeth – I rec’d my reflectors on Saturday.  I couldn’t believe how quickly you were able to ship them!  I love the funflector tags (they are on my bike & backpack already!)  and I appreciated your email response and your personal note on the shipment receipt.  I will definitely be passing on the word about your products to people that i know. Thanks again!!  🙂  -Tee”

Enjoy the summer nights and stay safe!


Reflectors Save Lives, Even in Florida Read More »

Happy New Year!

A very exciting year in my life has come to an end. It’s not the first time I’ve done a one-of-a-kind job without a given path. However, launching a business and a new line of stylish safety reflectors on the American market has certainly been (and still is) more challenging than any endeavor I’ve taken on before.

Shamrock safety reflectors for good luck when launching a business

I’d like to send a huge thank you to everyone supporting this  project of launching a business!!! Without customers, we would already have closed our doors, so thanks to both individuals and store owners for buying our funflector™ tags! Thanks also to Village Green Montessori and the Red Rose Childen’s Choir of Lake County, who gave us the privilege of organizing very successful funflector™ fundraisers. It has been a pleasure to work with our sales representatives and we are looking forward to expanding that cooperation in 2011. Our blog readers, facebook fans and twitter followers mean a lot to us, so thanks for staying tuned. The factory in Sweden is a great partner, patiently answering all our questions and discussing our ideas. Thanks also very much to family and friends for promoting our fun safety reflectors and giving a helping hand when needed. THANKS!

Heart safety reflectors in reds and pinks for valentine

While the Champagne is cooling, we are busy shipping some new funflector tags to our sales reps. The basketballs arrived yesterday along with shamrocks and hearts. What better way is there to tell your loved ones that you love them and want them to stay safe than with a funflector™ heart for Valentine’s Day?

Basketball safety reflector for jackets and bags

The new funflector® safety reflectors will be available in our web shop next week. If you want them immediately, just contact us and we’ll ship them on Monday.

Happy New Year Everyone!


Happy New Year! Read More »

Halloween Safety Tips from Good Morning America

On today’s Good Morning America, Elisabeth Leamy says being visible in traffic during trick-or-treating is the number one safety concern.

Check out the story about how last year’s Halloween did not end as planned for Hailey and Melissa. Please stay till the end to see the safety demo! Cars, Not Candy, Can Pose the Greatest Danger to Your Kids This Halloween

The girl’s story was also featured on in December last year. They visit schools to talk about their accident and what the kids can do to avoid it happen to them. Their “STAY ALERT & STAY SAFE” campaign  can be found at

Halloween safety concern - be invisible! Witch along busy road with halloween safety reflectors
The number one Halloween safety concern: Drivers not seeing trick-or-treaters. This witch is well equipped with safety reflectors for being seen by drivers!

If you suddenly feel the urge to have more reflectors on hand for your kids this Halloween, you can still order funflector® safety reflectors in our web shop, but please don’t wait much longer. Our FREE SHIPPING includes standard mail via USPS. Please contact us if you need express shipping.

Halloween costumes rarely have zipper pulls to attach reflectors to, so later this week, we’ll offer some ideas of what to do instead.

Halloween Safety Tips from Good Morning America Read More »

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